
At Marnel we feel that gathering together for assemblies is integral for reinforcing the moral ethos of our school and coming together as a community.

The theme of our class and Phase assemblies follow the same theme that is being taught in PSHE (Jigsaw) that week. This allows all of our children to have messages reinforced; creating unity. These assemblies range from teaching the children how to stay safe online, eat healthily, have high aspirations, set goals and chalenges, overcome and cope with mental heath pressures and much more. They are all aimed at promoting a healthy, happy wellbeing for our pupils.

Additional assembly themes will be teaching the children about British values and how they link to our learning behaviours, Opal play, singing assembly, careers , Blach history and any special events we have planned as a whole school.

Every Friday we hold a celebration 'Merit' assembly led by our Head Teacher- Mr Jordan. These assemblies focus on celebrating those children who throughout the week have shown fantastic Marnel learning behaviours in their learning or behaviour around the school - resilience, co-operation, respect, open-mindedness and tolerance.

As such a large school we find it a challenge to all fit into the hall these days but once a term we feel it is important to squeeze together for our special 'Cups of excellence' ceremony.

Collective worship

Collective worship and having a strong link with local churches is really important to us. Each week we have 'Open the book' visit our school to share stories from the bible and promoting a Christian ethos.



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