Belonging & EDI


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for all (EDI)

Six Tips To Open Up Your Kids To Friends From Diverse Ethnicities ...

As a school and as part of the Bourne Education Trust we are committed to the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion for all. These principles are crucial in supporting our culture and school values; they are also integral to delivering successful learning, teaching and personal development.

We are committed to the ideas and actions set out in our EDI action plan and which underpin the Bourne Education Trust's strategic plan and our school development plan. At the heart of this plan is an ambition to embed the principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion in our culture. This requires a commitment from everyone to take responsibility; to embrace these principles and apply them in our daily activities as a community.

Best practice in this area means covering issues across our community in a holistic manner, as well as addressing the specific needs of distinct groups of children and adults. We believe that this will also bring renewed focus to our work in promoting wellbeing, supporting good mental health, and tackling the factors that undermine equality, diversity, and inclusion.

All of this works towards ensuring that everyone within our diverse community feels equally able to achieve their absolute best.

You can find out more about the Bourne Education approach here.

BET Equal opportunities policy

BET EDI committment

Yr6 IMG 3

Why have we joined the B&DIDP partnership at Marnel Junior School?


  1. Celebrating Diversity: We believe our world is a wonderful place, and our diversity is to be celebrated. It enriches us and makes us stronger and more interesting; our differences should bring us together! Our school vision states that we believe that all children should be taught to ‘Think, believe, persevere and success’ despite race, religion, gender or economics. We love to work with our whole community, including parents, governors, staff, local community members, and organisations in promoting our belief in inclusivity.
  2. Empowering All Students: We want all our children to see that they have every opportunity and right to succeed, be happy and aspire. We want them to feel proud of their culture, background, skin colour, hairstyle, and way of life. Our curriculum aims to be diverse and inclusive, promoting and celebrating the diversity and success represented in our world. We want our children to learn about amazing people who share their backgrounds and to feel valued and important.
  3. Educating All Students: We must help our children realise the beauty and equality in our differences. We want them to stand up against injustice and inequality, including poverty, and to create a more just, fair, and equal society. The world isn’t always representative of what they see in our school, and every person, irrespective of their background, has the chance to flourish and make a difference.

Popley has changed over time, and we want to celebrate the cultures within our school family. We want all our children, wherever they come from and whatever their background, to show tolerance, love, and respect. It is only by teaching the next generation this that world peace has an opportunity to be realised!

What are our primary aims through the B&DIDP programme?

  1. Ensure our curriculum embeds learning opportunities about diversity, so that ALL our children see themselves as important, valued, and successful.
  2. Develop a strong sense of courageous advocacy in all children, so they stand up for injustice in our school, community, and world.


Proud to celebrate all the languages spoken within our school!


Language display

Let's all be one!


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