
Uniform can be bought from Skoolkit in the town centre, also available to order through Skoolkit online.

Our school uniform is an important expression of our pride in ourselves as a school and we expect all children to be in correct uniform. We want to have consistency in the uniform worn by all children.

Please find below a list of the uniform which is expected to be worn:

Winter Uniform

  • Marnel logo or plain red sweatshirt or cardigan (no hoodies)
  • White or red shirt/blouse/polo shirt
  • Black trousers or skirt (no leggings or joggers)
  • White or black socks
  • Black or red tights
  • Black pinafore dress


Optional Summer Uniform

  • Red and white checked dress
  • Black tailored shorts (no cycling or sports shorts)


All children must wear black smart shoes. These shoes must not be trainers, boots, high heeled or plimsolls. Children can bring in trainers to change for break and lunchtimes only. Children must not wear sandals or flip-flops for safety reasons. If children attend school in trainers they will be told to change into school plimsolls for the day.

Marnel 086

PE Kit

  • School house colour t-shirt (red, green, yellow or blue depending on the child’s house)
  • Black shorts
  • Plimsolls or trainers
  • In cold weather tracksuits are advisable and these must be plain black

All PE kit should be named and brought into school in a clearly named bag. PE kits are left in the school locker and taken home at weekends to be washed.


The children are not allowed to wear any jewellery to school except for items of religious significance which need to be agreed with the Headteacher.

If your child has pierced ears they may wear a single plain stud in each ear and these will need to be removed by the child for PE lessons, if the child is unable to remove their own earrings these will need to be removed before attending school.

Hair Styles

Hair must be neat and tidy and we suggest that if your child has long hair that this is tied up. Hair must not be coloured or cut with patterns.

Make-up and nail polish

Make-up and nail polish must not be worn at any time.

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